How to Make a Scrapbook Album

Hello Crafting Friends,
Today I am sharing a Tutorial for “How to Make a Uniquely Creative Scrapbook Album”. This Album was created with the products in the Uniquely Creative Advent Kit and in the Video Tutorial I show you exactly how to create it.

Uniquely Creative Products to Use
I used the Uniquely Creative Advent Kit to create my album. If you have purchased this kit already, you can create this album with only the products included in the kit.

If you didnt purchase the Advent 2021 Kit you can buy the main products from the kit on the Uniquely Creative Website here.
This is the Album that I used.

I used two Scrapbooking Collections, and creative cut packages. You can get all the products you need here at Uniquely Creative.

How to Make a Scrapbook Album Video Tutorial
This “How to Make a Scrapbook Album” Video Tutorial will take you through all the steps to create this project:

The papers in this album can be used with a variety of photographs because the colours and the images are so versatile. You can easily create both male and female layouts.

If you like this Tutorial make sure you pin it for later:

This is a kit available in my Online Shop here.
Here is the Video Tutorial:
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I hope you gained some inspiration from this Tutorial to make your own Scrapbooking Album. Let me know if you need any help or assistance.

Have a lovely, crafty day.
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