
Moana’s Hula Line Dance How To

Warm summer breezes blow the story of the hula ashore to Moana. From the Polynesian goddess to the tribal princess, dance tells a story. The hula dance has been telling tails for many years, just like the movie “Moana” told the tail of a princess.

Moana history:

The movie Moana is unique. The animators at Disney took 5 years to delve into Polynesian culture and history before crafting their story. So, once the movie Moana was released, it was loaded with the fruits of their research. This made it culturally accurate as well as entertaining.

History of Hula:

Hula is the historically accurate dance for princess Moana. The history of the hula is as murky as the sea in a tropical storm. Hula is translated as dance in Hawaiian. This is a narrative dance telling a tail.  This dance has many ties back to Polynesian goddesses. From the goddesses to the princesses and the tribe, so the story goes.

There are two main types of Hula dance. The first is the traditional hula Kahito. The second is the hula’auana, a modern form of the traditional hula. Both forms use the hand gestures to tell a story. For my line dance I have used very simple pieces to help you experience the hula.

Moana’s Hula Line Dance How To:

First step – Pulling rope to right:
Three steps and a tap to the right, side, close, side, with hands reaching out and pulling rope for four counts. Repeat to the left side together side tap pulling rope to left for four counts.

Second Step – Make waves left:
Peddle turn with the right foot to the left making waves with your hands for four counts, transfer weight to right foot on count 4.

Pulling rope to left:
Three steps and a tap to the left side together side tap pulling rope to left for four counts. Repeat to the right, side, close, side, with hands reaching out and pulling rope for four counts.

Repeat waves to right:
Peddle turn with the left foot to the right making waves with your hands for four counts transfer weight to left foot on count 4.

Third step – Hula left and right
With right hand behind head and left hand extended in front, check right foot in front of left foot count 1. Replace weight to left foot count 2. Step side with right foot count 3, position held count 4. Repeat on right side. Left hand behind head and right hand extended in front, check left foot in front of right foot count 5. Replace weight to right foot count 6. Step side with left foot count 7, position held count 8.

Repeat waves left:
Peddle turn with the right foot to the left making waves with your hands for four counts, transfer weight to right foot on count 4.

Hula to right and left:
Left hand behind head and right hand extended in front, check left foot in front of right foot count 1. Replace weight to right foot count 2. Step side with left foot count3, position held count 4. Repeat on left side. Right hand behind head and left hand extended in front, check right foot in front of left foot count 5. Replace weight to left foot count 6. Step side with right foot count 7, position held count 8.

Repeat waves to right:
Peddle turn with the left foot to the right making waves with your hands for four counts transfer weight to left foot on count 4.

Repeat from beginning until song ends.

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