Positive Affirmations To Improve Your Mindset
Positive thinking starts with you. Your body hears everything you think. Your power exists in the space between your ears. Everything you are trying to achieve from improving your health to becoming happier person, it all starts in your head. And repeating short positive affirmations regularly throughout your day is a great tool to help foster positive changes in your life.
Why Positive Affirmations Work
It may seem silly if you’re new to this concept but using positive affirmations to help change your thought patterns is a real thing. Positive affirmations are positive words, phrases, and statements that you repeat in your mind or even out loud to alter your mental state.
According to the National Science Foundation, the average person has about 12,000 to 60,00 thoughts per day. Of those, 80% are negative self-talk. Apparently, most of us focus on the negative without even realizing it. I have heard it said that if you talked to your friends the way you talk to yourself, you’d have no friends.
And I’m a believer. I’ve coached thousands of women to better health, and the work always starts with the subject of mindset because it’s hard to stick with new eating or exercise habits if you continue to have the attitude of self-sabotage.
Related: Inspiration For Weightloss- 12 Tips to Get You Motivated
Therefore, I focus on positive daily affirmation quotes. Positive affirmations are part of what I teach and who I am.
In addition to years of personal experience, there is science from Mayo Clinic and many others, to prove that your ability to think positively can successfully reduce stress, reduce anxiety, increase confidence and even make you more resistant to illnesses.
Positive Affirmations To Start Your Day
Prepare your mind to have a great day by starting your morning with positive affirmation. You can easily incorporate this into your yoga practice or another healthy morning routine.
“I create my happiness by accepting every part of myself with unconditional love” Credit positive.affirmations

“I choose to be happy regardless of what’s going on in my life.” credit: iam.affirmations

“I am a creator. i focus my energy with intention and I manifest my intentions effortlessly.” Credit yourdailydoseofiam

“Actually life is beautiful and I have time” credit: jennracioppi

“I am fortunate to be alive. I have a precious human life, and I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, expand myself to others; to achieve enlightenment for all beings. I am going to have kind thoughts toward others.I am not going to be angry, or think badly of others. I am going to benefit others as much as I can.” Credit elephantjournal and Morning Prayer Of The Dalai Lama

A morning affirmation for self-care. “I am stronger today. I love my life. I am prepared for today. Today I’m open to learning. Today will be an amazing day. I am healing. I’m grateful to wake up in my warm bed. Today is my day. ” Credit newdayish

“I am in control of how I feel. I can choose to feel different and shift my focus to things that help me create my desired emotions.” Credit yourdailydoseofiam

“I am: releasing all negativity. choosing happiness. becoming a better version of myself. inspiredto be the very best I can be. ” credit iamstrong.affirmations

Positive Affirmations To Motivate Yourself
When it comes to digging deep inside to find the motivation to do something, remember YES YOU CAN! I’ve been saying this for decades to my fitness classes and clients, and remembering this simple phrase can make all the difference. Find an affirmation below that motivates you and level up your life!

“Yes you can.” – Chris Freytag
“I know difficult situations are only temporary. ” iam.affirmations

“My ability to conquer my challenges is limitless; my potential to succeed is infinite. Credit iamstrong.affirmations

“You have survived every single thing you thought you wouldn’t.” Credit theopeninvite

“I choose what I become” credit iamstrong.affirmations

“I am welcoming this opportunity to grow stronger and become better. ” Credit iam.affirmations

“I am committed to bringing forth my greatness. I will no longer play small.” Credit gabbybernstein

Positive Affirmations For Self-Love
Remind yourself every day that you don’t need fixing. You never have and we never will. Because you are enough. You are whole. You are complete.

“I let go of any mistakes I have made and forgive myself.” Credit positive.affirmations

“I am returning to myself” Credit @sheleanaaiyana

“You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody” – Maya Angelou

“This life is mine alone. So I have stopped asking people for directions to places they’ve never been. There is no map. We are all pioneers.” Credit elephantjournal and Glennon Doyle

Positive Affirmations Of Gratitude
A gratitude practice is one of the fastest paths to lasting happiness. Include one of these affirmations into your practice and start seeing all that you have to be grateful for.

I appreciate all the lessons that I’m given. I’m grateful for all my experiences. Credit @lawofattraction_affirmations

“Trust that what belongs to you will always find you.” Credit theopeninvite

“I am grateful for the inner strength that has gotten me this far in life. ” iam.affirmations

Get Started Using Positive Affirmations
Whether you put a quick positive statement on a post-it note and stick it to your bathroom mirror, write it in your journal, or make it your screen saver, repeating short positive affirmations throughout the day can be a mood changer for the short term and dare I say a life changer for the long run.
If you follow any of my favorite researchers like Dr. Wendy Suzuki, Brene Brown, or Mel Robbins to name a few…you’ll quickly learn from their teachings that this little practice of repeating daily positive affirmations is the extra encouragement you need every day to manifest motivation and most importantly help you feel happy.
Comment below and let me know which positive affirmations resonate with you!
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The post Positive Affirmations To Improve Your Mindset appeared first on Get Healthy U | Chris Freytag.