
10 Potassium Rich Foods For Hydration And Wellness

Potassium is a key electrolyte required for several important biological functions, such as regulating fluid balance, regulating muscle contraction, and maintaining proper blood pressure during activity. Introducing potassium rich foods in your diet, is crucial for optimal health, hydration, and performance. What Is Potassium  Potassium is an essential mineral and positively charged electrolyte or cation […]


Longevity Doctors Suggest Making These 3 Tweaks to Your Fitness Routine To Stay Healthier for Longer

Over the last decade, researchers have established that lifestyle choices are directly linked to increased longevity, or the chances of living a longer and healthier life. Some examples: surrounding yourself with a strong community, eating plenty of veggies, getting quality sleep, and, yes, regularly exercising. Zeroing in on that last one, it’s clear there are […]