A fast metabolism can be a blessing and a curse. Eating more of the right foods is challenging. Volume and consistency are two of the most important variables, when it comes to gaining weight with a fast metabolism. And here, you thought volume and consistency just applied to your training program. Someone who has a […]
Balance can be like the canary in the coal mine of overall health. Because it is such a complex skill involving the coordination of multiple musculoskeletal, nervous, and cognitive systems, good balance means your body is doing a lot of things right—which is why it’s a technique you might actively want to hone by doing […]

Discover 15 simple steps to help you get a better night’s sleep. Find out how easy it is to make changes that will provide long-term health benefits. The reality is that most of us at some point or another will have a hard time getting enough sleep. Whether we’re just too busy to spend enough […]

While a healthy diet, plenty of sleep, and some cardio are important too, our love handle workout can definitely help tone your obliques and slim your waist! But before we dive into the exercises, it’s important to note that you can’t spot-reduce body fat. To lose love handles, you need to reduce your overall body […]
Bitter melon is a fruit that often finds itself compared to zucchini and cucumber due to its appearance and culinary uses. Despite these similarities, it’s important to note that bitter melon is indeed a fruit. It goes by several names, including balsam pear, balsam apple, and the more scientifically precise term, Momordica charantia. What truly […]