
Best Foods to Eat in the Morning

A balanced breakfast must include all the essential nutrients, including carbs, protein, and fibre, to ensure that one healthily starts the day. However, busy schedules sometimes act as a hindrance to preparing breakfast, making many skip the critical meal of the day. 

Breakfast breaks the overnight fast and provides numerous health benefits. Various studies have linked morning meals to improved memory, children’s performance, mood, work productivity, cognitive function, and women’s health, including regular menstruation and obesity reduction.

What one eats matters, too. Among breakfast eaters, those who had a good-quality breakfast reported better HRQOL (Health-related quality of life) and lower levels of stress and depression compared to those who had a poor or very poor-quality breakfast. Also, breakfast skippers demonstrated better HRQOL and lower stress and depression levels than breakfast eaters with a low-quality breakfast. These findings emphasise the importance of not just having breakfast but also ensuring it is of good quality for overall well-being.

This article emphasises the importance of eating breakfast and what one should eat. 

Why is it Important to Have Breakfast Regularly?

Before discussing several healthy and easy breakfast choices, one must understand why it is essential to have breakfast regularly. 

Boosts Metabolism

The literal meaning of breakfast is “breaking the fast” after a good night’s sleep. Eating in the morning helps to kickstart the body’s calorie-burning process. It boosts metabolism, which is crucial for weight management. 

Increased Nutrient Intake

Scientific research consistently highlights the positive impact of consuming a healthy breakfast. It is strongly correlated with increased nutrient intake throughout the day, better adherence to nutritional guidelines, and overall dietary quality. 

Skipping breakfast may lead to missing essential nutrients that the body requires. It’s an excellent time to get vitamins, minerals, and fibre, mainly if one includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and dairy or dairy alternatives in the morning meal.

Blood Sugar Regulation

A balanced breakfast that is rich in good carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats can help stabilise blood sugar levels. As a result, it prevents energy crashes and cravings that will lead to unhealthy snacking or overeating later in the day.

Improves Cognitive Function

Breakfast has also demonstrated links to enhanced attention and cognitive function, whether through acute, chronic, or intervention studies. Eating breakfast supports cognitive function. It can improve concentration, memory, and problem-solving abilities, making it easier to perform well in tasks, whether at work or school.

Mood Enhancement

A nutritious breakfast can positively impact the mood. It helps regulate the release of hormones, such as serotonin, which is a happy hormone that contributes to feelings of well-being.


Eating breakfast regularly offers a wide range of physical, mental, and emotional benefits. Breakfast helps to ensure that one gets all the nutrients and energy that the body requires to function throughout the day. It also contributes to daily vitality, improves cognitive performance, helps with weight management, improves mood and ensures one gets all vital nutrients to support overall health. A protein-fibre-healthy fat breakfast helps keep blood sugar steady throughout the day. 

10 Best Food Items Consume for Breakfast

As mentioned above, several food items can ensure you get all the essential nutrients, which are great breakfast options. It is important to include one or the other option for your breakfast every day. Most of them are also quick and easy options, so you do not have to worry about being late for work or other commitments.

1. Eggs

Eggs are a popular breakfast choice in almost every culture around the world. Eggs are rich in high protein content. They are easy to prepare and help with satiety, thus promoting controlled eating and weight management. 

Studies prove that people who consumed egg and toast for breakfast were significantly less hungry compared to those who went with other breakfast choices like bran cereal. Additionally, the consumption of protein sources such as eggs during breakfast helps in promoting satiety. 

Some consider eggs to be an unhealthy choice for breakfast as they contain a significant amount of cholesterol. However, this is false, as eggs only have a minor impact on LDL and bad cholesterol in the blood. Furthermore, eggs are rich in Vitamins A and B, iron, calcium and the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, which give several health benefits to the human body. 

Read More: Eggs: Nutrition Facts, Benefits, Tips and Recipe

2. Oatmeal

Another healthy breakfast choice which one can prepare easily is oatmeal. One can use instant, rolled or steel-cut oats that contain soluble fibre called beta-glucan. These components can help to lower cholesterol and glucose levels in individuals. They also have antioxidant and probiotic properties, which can further ensure that your body gets enough health benefits.  

Additionally, oats are rich in protein, iron, Vitamin B, manganese, antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, potassium, magnesium, selenium and zinc, which give a lot of additional health benefits that are crucial for the body. To improve the protein content that you get from oats, make oatmeal with milk instead of using water, mix it with protein powder and serve it with eggs. This way of preparing oat meals also ensures more taste. 

Having oatmeal for breakfast also helps you feel fuller for the rest of the day. A study published on the NIH website shows that individuals who had oatmeal for breakfast felt much fuller and consumed fewer calories for lunch compared to those who had cornflakes. 

Read More: Oats and Oatmeal Health Benefits: Exploring the Nutritional Powerhouse

3. Berries

Berries, including strawberries, blackberries, blueberries and raspberries, are all healthy and delicious options for breakfast. They have low calories, high fibre content and many disease-fighting antioxidants. 

Berries get their characteristic blue, purple and red colours from the antioxidants called anthocyanins that are present in them. Anthocyanins and regular consumption of berries that offer them can help against inflammation, heart disease, cancer and diabetes. A study available in the American Heart Association shows that higher consumption of berries reduces the risk of heart attack, especially in younger women. 

Berries may not help to fulfil your hunger. So, have them along with other healthy breakfast choices like cereal, oatmeal, yoghurt or smoothies. However, make sure to consume them without any added sugar to ensure optimal health benefits. 

4. Greek Yoghurt

Greek yoghurt is a great and popular choice for breakfast because of its many health benefits and ease of preparation. They are prepared by straining whey and milk curds, which gives a creamy product that is higher in protein compared to regular yoghurt. 

Greek yoghurt is also low in calories compared to a lot of other protein sources. A single cup that serves 245 grams of yoghurt contains 25 grams of protein with 149 calories. They also include many different nutrients like potassium, vitamin B12, calcium, phosphorus and zinc. Greek yoghurt is also rich in probiotics that can promote gut health and better immune response. It is best to pair Greek yoghurt with other great breakfast choices like berries, nut butter, etc, to ensure a healthy and nutritious diet plan for your body. 

Read More: Greek Yoghurt – Benefits, Nutritional Value, and Healthy Recipes

5. Nuts and Nut Butter

Nuts and nut butter are great breakfast items rich in many nutrients like potassium, magnesium, antioxidants and heart-healthy fats. Studies show people who consumed nuts several or more times every week had a 20% lower risk of death. 

Instead of consuming nuts, you can also consume nut butter, which is a very versatile food item. You can spread nut butter on your daily whole-grain toast or mix it with oatmeal or yoghurt. You can also use them as a dip for fresh fruit. Some of the most tasty and healthy nut butters include peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter, unsweetened cocoa and hazelnut butter.

6. Sprouts

Sprouts are a fantastic breakfast choice known for their nutrient density. These tiny powerhouses are rich in vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that support digestion and overall health. 

Sprouted legumes or grains provide a protein-packed start to your day, promoting sustained energy levels. They’re also a great source of dietary fibre, which aids in maintaining digestive health and keeping you feeling full throughout the morning. Whether you enjoy them as a salad or in a sandwich, sprouts offer a refreshing and nutritious morning meal option.

7. Poha

Poha, a traditional Indian breakfast delight, is both light on the stomach and nutritionally beneficial. Made from flattened rice, it’s a carbohydrate-rich option that provides quick energy to kickstart your day. 

Poha is often seasoned with a delightful blend of spices, vegetables, and crunchy peanuts, making it a flavorful and wholesome breakfast experience. The inclusion of peanuts not only adds to the taste but also offers a dose of healthy fats and protein. This traditional Indian dish is not only delicious but also a nutritious way to begin your day.

8. Idli

Idli, originating from South India, is a steamed rice cake that strikes a balance between nutrition and calorie content. It’s a source of both carbohydrates and protein, making it a satisfying morning meal that keeps you full for longer. 

The fermentation process involved in making idli enhances its nutritional value by increasing the bioavailability of certain nutrients. Pair idli with coconut chutney and sambar, and you’ll not only elevate its taste but also boost its nutritional profile. This combination provides a well-rounded breakfast that’s both delicious and nutritious.

9. Daliya

Daliya, also known as cracked wheat, is a fibre-rich breakfast choice that keeps you full and energised. This versatile dish can be prepared as a sweet porridge with milk and jaggery or as a savoury option with a medley of vegetables and spices. 

Daliya offers sustained energy and essential nutrients to fuel your morning. Its high fibre content supports digestive health, while its moderate glycemic index ensures steady blood sugar levels. Additionally, daliya is a good source of vitamins and minerals, including iron, magnesium, and B vitamins, making it a wholesome breakfast option.

10. Upma

Upma is a quick and customisable breakfast dish made from semolina. Its adaptability allows you to tailor it with various vegetables and spices to suit your palate. A plate of upma is hearty, easy to prepare, and provides a flavorful morning start. Semolina, the main ingredient in upma, is a good source of energy-providing carbohydrates. 

The ingredients in Upma also contain protein, which helps keep you feeling full and satisfied. The addition of vegetables enhances the nutritional value by providing essential vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibre. Upma’s versatility and balanced nutritional profile make it a popular choice for a hearty breakfast.


A well-rounded breakfast is essential for kickstarting your day with energy and nourishment. Eggs, rich in protein and essential vitamins, promote satiety and controlled eating. Oatmeal, loaded with fibre, antioxidants, and various nutrients, keeps you full and supports heart health. Berries, with their low-calorie and antioxidant-rich nature, offer protection against inflammation and heart disease. Greek yoghurt, a protein-packed and probiotic-rich choice, aids in gut health and overall immunity. Nuts and nut butter, brimming with nutrients and heart-healthy fats, reduce the risk of death and enhance your diet. Sprouts, bursting with vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, provide sustained energy and digestive support. Traditional Indian breakfast options like Poha, Idli, Daliya, and Upma offer a blend of carbohydrates, protein, and flavour, making them satisfying and nutritious choices to start your day.

HealthifyMe Suggestion

Let’s make your life easier, by sharing here some quick and balanced breakfast options with nutrition information. Given breakfast options contain good fats, proteins and carbs for a healthy start to the day. 

1. Avocado toast with poached egg 

Take a bread and toast it to golden brown. 

Make Poached Egg 

1. Bring water to a gentle simmer in a pot.

2. Add a splash of vinegar.

3. Crack an egg into a bowl.

4. Create a whirlpool in the water.

5. Slide the egg into the whirlpool.

6. Poach for 3-4 minutes.

7. Remove with a slotted spoon.

8. Season and serve.

Now take 50g of avocado mash and spread it on the bread. Now place the egg on top and sprinkle pepper and salt. It’s ready and it’s delicious!

2. Overnight oats with berries

take 1 cup Greek yoghurt and 1/2 cup oats mix them and keep them overnight. 

In the morning just add half a cup of berries of your choice and mix them with oats mix. Drizzle 1 tsp of honey but that’s optional. Enjoy! 

3. Greek Yogurt Parfait 

Layer Greek yoghurt 1/2 cup with 30g granola, fresh berries 1/2 cup, and a drizzle of honey(optional)  for a quick and nutritious breakfast.

4. Scrambled Eggs with sourdough toast:

Whisk 1 egg, and season with salt and pepper. Cook in a pan with a bit of butter until fluffy. 

Eat it with a sourdough toast.

The Final Word

Starting the day with a nutritious breakfast is not only healthy but also helps to reduce snacking and support weight management. Optimal breakfast choices to feel full and improve overall health include foods rich in fibre, protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. Fortunately, many nutritious options, including whole grain toast, green tea, coffee, and protein shakes, are quick to prepare. Portable options like fruits are also good breakfast choices for those who have busy schedules. 

Disclaimer: The purpose of this article is just to disperse knowledge and raise awareness. It does not intend to replace medical advice from professionals. For further information, please contact our certified nutritionists Here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the best foods to kickstart your morning with a healthy breakfast?

A: You can start your mornings with a healthy breakfast, including options like scrambled eggs with vegetables for protein and vitamins or whole-grain toast with nut butter, eggs, and banana slices for a balanced start.

Q: How does breakfast impact overall health and well-being?

A: A nutritious breakfast can help kickstart your metabolism, stabilise blood sugar levels, and enhance cognitive function, thus improving overall health and well-being. Skipping breakfast might trigger energy slumps and poor dietary choices, negatively affecting health.

Q: Can eating breakfast help with weight management and metabolism?

A: Yes, eating breakfast can help with weight management and metabolism. It kickstarts your metabolism and helps to prevent overeating later in the day. Having breakfast thus promotes better food choices, which can support weight control.

Q: What are some high-protein breakfast options to keep you full longer?

A: Some high-protein breakfast options like Greek yoghurt with nuts and seeds or a spinach and feta omelette can help you feel full longer and maintain energy throughout the morning.

Q: Are there specific foods that can boost energy and focus in the morning?

A: Including foods like oatmeal with bananas can help boost morning energy as they provide sustained energy. Similarly, you can have eggs for choline, which supports cognitive function and alertness. Additionally, a morning smoothie with spinach, berries, and almond butter can provide a nutrient-rich energy boost.

Q: How can a balanced breakfast support blood sugar control and prevent cravings?

A: A balanced breakfast that provides a mix of complex carbs, protein, and healthy fats can help stabilise blood sugar levels and reduce cravings by providing sustained energy and promoting satiety throughout the morning.

Q: What are the benefits of including fruits and vegetables in your morning meal?

A: Incorporating fruits and vegetables into your morning meal can help in providing essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants for better overall health and can boost morning energy with natural sugars and fibre.

Q: Can whole grains be a part of a nutritious morning routine?

A: Yes, whole grains like oatmeal, whole-grain toast, or whole-grain cereal can provide fibre. They also provide sustained energy and essential nutrients, making them a nutritious choice for a morning routine.

Q: What role do healthy fats play in a satisfying breakfast?

A: Healthy fats in breakfast, like those from avocados, nuts, or seeds, promote satiety. They also help in balancing blood sugar, preventing energy crashes and keeping you full and satisfied in the morning.

Q: Are there quick and easy breakfast ideas for busy mornings?

A: For busy mornings, you can make a smoothie with spinach, banana, and protein powder. You can also try overnight oats prepared the night before for a convenient and nutritious breakfast on the go.

Q: How can dietary restrictions, like vegan or gluten-free diets, be accommodated in breakfast choices?

A: Vegans can opt for plant-based options like chia pudding with almond milk, while those with gluten restrictions can enjoy gluten-free oats, yoghurt, and fresh fruit for a nutritious breakfast.

Q: What is the impact of breakfast on children’s growth, development, and school performance?

A: A balanced breakfast is crucial for children as it fuels their growth, enhances cognitive function, and improves school performance by providing essential nutrients and sustained energy throughout the morning. Skipping breakfast may lead to decreased focus and academic performance.

Q: Can breakfast foods support heart health and reduce the risk of heart disease?

A: Yes, heart-healthy breakfast choices like oatmeal, flaxseeds, and berries can help lower cholesterol levels and reduce the heart disease risk due to their fibre, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Q: Are there any misconceptions or myths about the importance of breakfast?

A: One common misconception is that one has to eat breakfast right after waking up. However, in reality, you can consume it later in the morning to accommodate different schedules. Another myth is that skipping breakfast leads to weight gain, but this depends on overall daily calorie intake and food choices.

Q: How do cultural preferences influence morning meal choices?

A: Cultural preferences play a significant role in morning meal choices, influencing the types of foods, flavours, and preparation methods people prefer. Some examples of this include Asian cultures preferring rice-based breakfasts or Europeans preferring bread and cheese. These preferences are deeply rooted and shape breakfast traditions worldwide.

Research Sources

Importance of breakfast and health benefits: A review

Eat or Skip Breakfast? The Important Role of Breakfast Quality for Health-Related Quality of Life, Stress and Depression in Spanish Adolescents

Energy Intake and Satiety Responses of Eggs for Breakfast in Overweight and Obese Adults—A Crossover Study

Eggs: good or bad?

Effects of oatmeal and corn flakes cereal breakfasts on satiety, gastric emptying, glucose, and appetite-related hormones

High Anthocyanin Intake Is Associated With a Reduced Risk of Myocardial Infarction in Young and Middle-aged Women

Association of Nut Consumption with Total and Cause-Specific Mortality

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