If you count kiddos among the members of your family, spending time with that family around the holidays may mean you’re expected (or want!) to move like those children. We’re talking about flopping down on the floor opening presents, running and crawling around playing with the kids and those presents, and hey, maybe even gathering […]

Osteoporosis is a condition that weakens bones, making them fragile and more prone to fractures, and is a common concern among older adults. In fact, there are an estimated 54 million Americans living with osteoporosis. There are several risk factors associated with osteoporosis. Some of these factors can be controlled, and some cannot. While the […]

While aging is inevitable, but aging well is not! There are many factors involved in maintaining good physical and mental health as you age, but one of the most important things to consider as you grow older is strength training. Researchers at the National Institute on Aging have been studying the effects of strength training […]

Power walking is one of the most underrated forms of exercise—but it shouldn’t be! It’s amazing exercise, no matter what your age. There are so many benefits associated with regular walking, including: It’s low-impact: Walking gives you a great heart rate boost without wreaking havoc on your joints and connective tissue. It burns calories: A […]