Modern medicine usually focuses on treating people when they have a disease or show signs of illness. The treatment, especially for chronic conditions, mainly involves using pharmaceuticals or surgery to reduce symptoms rather than addressing the underlying issues. Nutritional therapy takes a different approach, often following a functional medicine approach. Its goal is to identify […]
Beat the Chill: Warm Up with A Total Gym “Layered Workout” Maria Sollon, MS, CSCS, PES As the winter chill is still with us, it’s tempting to curl up under the blankets and hibernate until spring. But fear not! With your trusty Total Gym by your side, you can beat the winter blues and keep […]
I know you guys have been asking for a non-romantic-sleeved, non-dropped-shoulder jackety type piece that really hugs your body for a while now… something that really skims your silhouette and gives a waist-cinching effect! I’ve been wanting a substantial long sleeve layering piece for outdoor running for a while, and I felt like this was […]
The endocrine system and hormonal balance are vital for overseeing essential bodily functions such as metabolism, growth, and immune response. Disruptions in this system, involving glands, hormones, and organs, can lead to disorders that significantly affect health and well-being. One such disorder is Cushing Syndrome. It is a rare condition characterised by various symptoms and […]
Deadlifts are one of the best exercises for building full-body strength. However, not everyone can (or should) perform this exercise. Thankfully, there are plenty of effective deadlift alternatives. So, which exercises replace the deadlift? We’ve got you covered. Plug the below moves into your workouts if traditional deadlifts aren’t a good fit for your body or […]