
A quick 24 hours in Miami!

Hey guys!

A quick 24-hour trip to Miami…not for vacay, but for work – a different type of work! I’m trading in my sketchbook for a microphone for the day because I have the honor of hosting the Small Biz Challenge being put on by UPS and Inc. Magazine!

The hosting job took me back to my oratory days – I had not needed to memorize so many words since high school ! A challenge indeed, but I’m always game to test myself.


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I love love love doing work with new entrepreneurs because I know exactly how lonely it can feel to have a wild idea and to have no one believe in you…but you. Surrounding yourself with people who will encourage you to go for the dream instead of dissuading you from it is so necessary to build confidence early on in your entrepreneurial journey.

The big moment!

Out of 5,895 applicants, 3 small business owners made it to the stage, and one took home the $25,000 grant. Big big big congrats to Bitty Bao, a business started by 2 teachers who wanted to make bilingual learning easier for their kids!

I had a lot of fun on stage and loved meeting everyone! After the show was over, Sam and I did our best to squeeze in a few hours of play in our last moments in Miami! A dip in the ocean, some great food, and then back home!

A moment for the food

The food in Miami was soooo good! Look at this soft serve!


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