
17 Habits That Give Women The Instant Ick – And You Won’t Believe #9!

Ready for a deep dive into the habits that turn women off faster than you can say “red flag”? Let’s face it: everyone has quirks, but some habits are total deal-breakers. Here are the biggest ones that make women go from ‘interested’ to ‘ick’ in seconds!

1. Lying About The Little Things

Ever catch someone lying about their favorite color or what they had for lunch? Yeah, weird flex, but okay. It’s not about the fib; it’s about the unnecessary sneakiness. Women find it way more attractive when someone’s upfront—even if it means saying, “Yeah, I binge-watched reality TV today.” As Reddit user u/kaythestray put it, “Lying over mundane things instead of being direct, for the sake of not being confrontational.”

2. Condescending Much?

We all know that one person who acts like they know everything, even when they clearly don’t. Mansplaining? It’s a massive turn-off. No one’s impressed when you’re confidently wrong, buddy. Redditor u/Psychological-Pop199 highlighted this perfectly: “Condescension, especially when he doesn’t know what the fuck he is talking about.”

3. Can’t Handle Basic Chores

Ladies, can we agree on this one? If he can’t do his laundry, wash a dish, or clean up after himself, it’s like dating a child. Self-sufficiency is so attractive, and watching someone struggle with a washing machine just isn’t it. As u/GOD-lovesme puts it, “I’m talking basics like laundry, washing dishes, and basic cleaning.”

4. “Just Joking” After Insulting Someone

Some guys think they can throw out a snarky remark and then dodge the blame with a “just kidding!” spoiler: it’s not funny. There’s a difference between playful teasing and tearing someone down. Reddit user u/lauralai77 nailed it: “’Jokingly putting others down and then saying, ‘It was just a joke!’ like it’s a get-out-of-jail-free card. Ew.”

5. Temper Tantrums Aren’t Cute

Nobody’s asking for a saint, but if a guy can’t control his temper, it’s a hard pass. Imagine a grown adult throwing a fit because they lost at a video game. Not exactly Prince Charming material. u/Afraid_Ad6489 summed it up well with, “Poor control over their anger.”

6. Animal Cruelty Is a No-Go

Red flag alert! If someone’s being mean to animals, it’s not just a bad habit—it’s a character flaw. Studies show that cruelty to animals is a sign of deeper issues. And honestly, who doesn’t love a guy who adores puppies? Redditor u/MissInga1975 simply said, “Cruel to animals.”

7. Litterbug Behavior

Littering isn’t just bad for the environment; it’s a massive turn-off. If he can’t respect the planet, how’s he supposed to respect you? It’s all about those little habits that show someone cares beyond themselves. u/Timely-Cry8804 said it best: “Littering and lack of respect for the planet.”

8. Backhanded “Compliments” About Other Women

Ever hear something like, “I’m glad you’re not like those girls with heavy makeup”? Cringe. Women don’t want to be pitted against each other. A real compliment lifts someone up without tearing others down. Reddit user u/lavenderacid explained, “Putting down other women to try and compliment you.”

9. The “Sexual Innuendo” Guy

Brace yourself for this one. Imagine sitting across from someone who constantly drops hints about ending up in bed—on the first date. Yikes! It’s an instant turn-off when a guy can’t keep things classy. u/Isabella_Hamilton shared, “I’ve legit met guys who on the first date kept making comments about how we’d inevitably end up in bed. SUPER unattractive.”

10. Rude To Waitstaff? Dealbreaker.

Nothing says “I’m secretly a jerk” like being rude to the people serving your food. It’s the ultimate test of character. If he can’t treat everyone with basic respect, why expect any different in a relationship? As u/sweetxbabyyx put it, “When a guy is rude to waitstaff or anyone in service jobs, it’s a major red flag.”

11. Alpha Male Vibes

“If you feel the need to say you are an alpha, you are most likely a beta,” said u/Intelligent-Citron17. It’s a turn-off when someone constantly has to assert their dominance. Confidence? Yes. Constant need to prove themselves? No, thanks.

12. Negativity Overload

You know the type—always complaining, never satisfied, and unable to enjoy the moment. Sure, life isn’t perfect, but do we need to dwell on every tiny inconvenience? It’s exhausting and makes dating feel like a chore. Redditor u/cloclop shared, “Things won’t be perfect, but you’ve gotta learn to breathe and let that go.”

13. Interrupting Like It’s a Sport

Nothing’s worse than trying to share a story, only to be interrupted with, “Oh, that reminds me…” Women want a guy who actually listens. Conversation is a two-way street, not a one-man monologue. u/Heregoesnothin- agrees: “Interrupting me with a totally unrelated question or statement and blatantly not listening.”

14. Silent Treatment and Mood Swings

Ladies, how frustrating is it when someone clams up without explaining why? Communication is key in any relationship. Random outbursts or the cold shoulder? Hard pass. As u/MissionPhase621 pointed out, “Getting annoyed or agitated and not telling me why.”

15. Family Drama Overload

It’s understandable if someone has issues with toxic family members. But if a guy treats his kind, loving relatives like trash for no reason? Huge red flag. How someone interacts with their family can be a big indicator of their character. u/Lilliana_Claire said, “If he treats his family badly… it’s a huge red flag.”

16. Weaponized Incompetence

Ever hear a guy say, “I’m just not good at that” when it’s time to do something he doesn’t want to? Newsflash: He’s doing it on purpose. It’s not cute to pretend you can’t fold laundry or cook a meal. Real partners pull their weight. As u/dyslexicassfuck put it, “One of the most unattractive things to me is weaponized incompetence.”

17. Bad Hygiene—And Yes, We Mean That

You might think it’s a no-brainer, but apparently, not every guy got the memo. Good hygiene is basic self-care. A few Redditors even shared horror stories about men who refuse to ahem clean thoroughly. It’s gross, it’s lazy, and it’s a definite deal-breaker. u/ScaryAssBitch shared, “Not washing his ass.”

And it doesn’t end there! u/FloridaMJ420 added a gross detail: “I’m a man in college and I have encountered a few non-ass washers… It’s one of the worst smells I’ve ever smelled.”

Do any of these sound familiar? Let us know what habits give you the instant ick in the comments below! Remember, everyone’s got their quirks—but sometimes, a habit just screams “RUN!”

And if you’re looking for ways to keep your own habits in check, don’t forget to share this article with your friends—because you might be saving someone from a dating disaster. Happy swiping, folks!

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