
Be fall ready with these Immune boosting Tips! 

With the cold and flu season in full swing, now is the perfect time to focus on strengthening your immune system to help avoid falling into this unhealthy pattern 

One amazing fact is that 70-80% of your immune system is found in your gut. It is home to a complex and diverse community of bacteria: the microbiome. This ecosystem plays an essential role in your overall health, including your immunity. A healthy, balanced microbiome is like a well-trained army, ready to repel invaders and keep you healthy.

Factors such as chronic stress, processed foods, certain medications, sugar consumption and refined foods can disrupt the intestinal ecosystem. This imbalance can lead to a weakened immune response, making you more vulnerable to disease, reducing your body’s ability to recover quickly thus having a significant impact on your quality of life.

So how can you reverse this trend and strengthen your immune system? 

1/ Maintain good intestinal health by adopting a lifestyle that promotes a healthy microbiome. Feed good bacteria with fermented foods, good quality fiber, and a good amount of raw food daily to benefit from vitamins and minerals 

2/Manage Stress. If you are always feeling wired and tired, this will affect your ability to digest your food properly. This can lead to bloat and fermentation, which leads to inflammation. Try to slow down your day as the sun sets and finish eating your last meal by 7:00 pm. Evening is meant to be relaxing. It is not the time to catch up on unfinished business or start new projects 

3/ Herbal teas and bone broths are an ideal way to stay hydrated as opposed to just water. Always remember that tap water is loaded with chemicals and can cause major disruption to the microbiome 

4/ Pay close attention to your bowels and make sure you eliminate well and often. If you struggle in that area, up your fiber intake and nourish with some good quality organic herbs 

5/ Never stop a cold. The body knows what to do. Taking over the counter drugs to feel better for a short period of time will lead to a longer lasting cold or flu in the long run 

The post Be fall ready with these Immune boosting Tips!  appeared first on Total Gym Pulse.

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