It’s time for a real convo with real numbers…
“Your stuff is too expensive.”
Not a single week goes by that I don’t hear this exact criticism about POPFLEX. I’m not going to waste any time arguing, defending, or justifying anything. HOWEVER, I do need some input from you. Ready?
HOMEWORK: please answer all 3 to get %
When you want something “affordable,” can you be more specific? We need to be speaking apples to apples here! What is your ideal price point for leggings? Be reasonable here though! No one can expect a luxury pair of leggings to cost $5, okay?
What feature could you live without? For example: Removable bra pads. Cutting unnecessary features = lower cost.
This one is for funzies. Is there a dream store you would love to see my designs in? Let’s manifest!
I promise I am not ignoring you on the price convo. I hear you, but we need to have a real chat with real numbers. What you tell me in the comments today will really help me navigate the next steps to making things more affordable. Thank you for your help!