Anxiety is an unwelcome companion many of us face in our daily lives, and finding accessible ways to manage it is essential for our well-being. While numerous strategies exist to combat stress, sometimes the simplest practices can make the most profound difference. One such practice is Vyakapa Nyasam, an Ayurvedic hand-cleansing self-massage technique designed to […]

If there’s anyone who can take side stepping, lunging, and punching to an Olivia Newton-John song into the 21st century, it’s Jane Fonda. The aerobics icon has released a new workout, and it’s out of this world—literally—because it takes place in virtual reality. Wednesday, the Meta-owned VR fitness app Supernatural announced the December 25 release of a […]
If you’re a person with a period and a penchant for exercise, odds are you’ve wondered: Are there any risks to working out with a tampon? The short answer is that it is safe to exercise with a tampon in, and it shouldn’t fall out—as long as you insert the tampon correctly and switch it […]
In the modern world of health and wellness, weight loss often takes centre stage. This prompts many to explore a variety of dietary strategies. Among these, intermittent fasting has become popular not only because of its simplicity but also because of its effectiveness. Unlike traditional diets that focus primarily on what to eat, intermittent fasting […]
Gaining muscle mass is not just about lifting weights; it is as much about what you put on your plate. While weight loss often takes the spotlight in fitness discussions, a significant number of fitness enthusiasts primarily focus on gaining size and strength through bulking. But what does ‘eating for bulking‘ really mean? Is it […]