
Channel Your Inner Ariel With Mermaid Pose—Here’s How to Add It to Your Yoga Practice

Mermaid pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana in Sanskrit) is a graceful and challenging yoga posture that beautifully combines flexibility, strength, and balance. It’s a deep hip opener that also targets your spine, chest, and shoulders, making it an all-encompassing pose for building strength and flexibility. But starting from the ground up is key in mermaid pose, […]


Scales to Measure Employee Wellbeing

Workplace wellness programs are gaining popularity as businesses deal with an ageing workforce, high obesity rates, physical inactivity, and unhealthy diets. Worldwide, there is a prevalence in the rise in chronic disease risks like diabetes, hypertension, and cancer. Employers value having healthy employees who are fully engaged, content, energetic, and dedicated to their roles.  While […]