
How I Use the 80/20 Rule to Maintain Peace in Middle Age

As I navigate life at 59, I’ve found the 80/20 rule to be more than just a productivity hack—it’s a lifestyle. A mindset. A sustainable way to stay healthy, joyful, and balanced in middle age. Life’s too short for extremes, and honestly, too precious not to enjoy.

I want to live fully—spending quality time with family and friends, indulging occasionally, staying active, and being at peace with the process of aging.

Let me show you how this simple rule can help you feel your best and enjoy the second half of life with more ease and less stress.

What Is the 80/20 Rule and Why It Works for Midlife Wellness

Also called the Pareto Principle, the 80/20 rule means 80% of outcomes come from 20% of efforts. But when it comes to wellness, I like to flip it. Aim for 80% of your choices to support your health—whether it’s what you eat, how you move, or how you manage stress—and let the other 20% be about living, enjoying, and having flexibility.

When you focus on making healthy choices the majority of the time—around 80%—you give yourself the freedom to live, enjoy, and indulge occasionally without derailing your progress. It’s all about balance, not extremes. And let’s be real, in midlife, with shifting hormones, energy levels, and priorities, we need a sustainable approach—not a rigid one.

This rule takes the pressure off. You don’t have to overthink every meal or workout. You just aim for most of your choices to support your well-being. Over time, those consistent, small efforts build a strong foundation for long-term health.

It’s a Lifestyle, Not a Diet

One of the things I love about the 80/20 rule is that it’s not a fad. You’re not on or off the wagon. You’re simply leaning toward healthy choices the majority of the time. No counting calories, no food scales—just smart, mindful living.

Here’s the thing about diets—they have a start and an end. The 80/20 diet plan doesn’t. Similar to my strategies to lose weight without dieting, it’s a lifestyle, a mindset, a way to gauge how you’re doing without judgment.

I’ve seen women obsess over diets only to fall off and feel like failures. That’s not the goal here. The goal is sustainability. To lean into health, day by day, decision by decision. And if one day isn’t great, tomorrow is a new chance.

Remember, this isn’t about rigid rules. I alwasy say it’s about “freedom within boundaries”. You’re building habits you can stick with for life, not just for a season.

Applying the 80/20 Rule to Food: Progress, Not Perfection

Let’s talk food. Life is full of celebrations, social events, and let’s face it—temptations. Healthy eating 100% of the time? That’s not realistic, nor is it fun. But when 80% of your meals are built around real, nourishing foods—fruits, veggies, lean proteins, whole grains, healthy fats—you’re winning.

Plus in middle age, it becomes way more clear that a balanced diet makes you feel your best. Eat bad = feel bad.

I like to think of it as majority rules. You can enjoy that slice of pizza or piece of cake if the rest of your day has been fueled with foods that make you feel energized and give you nutrients. The key is consistency, not perfection.

And guess what? Portion control plays a big role here too. You don’t need to weigh your food, just get good at recognizing balance.

My personal hack: I pay attention to getting in enough protein more now than ever. It fuels my muscles but also keeps me feeling satiated.

Using the 80/20 Rule for Exercise: Stay in the Game

We all have days when life gets in the way of our workouts—travel, family visits, or let’s be honest, a Netflix binge that gets the best of us. But here’s where the 80/20 mindset shines. Move your body most days, and don’t sweat it (pun intended!) if you miss a workout. Just don’t let a few missed days turn into weeks.

My personal hack: I use my walking pad to keep me moving during the workday and the cold winter. By just walking a little more when working at my kitchen counter or watching an episode of my latest show, I can move a little and feel better about my daily activity.

I also live by my “two-day rule.” I never let more than two days pass without a workout. It’s my little consistency hack that helps me stay active 80% of the time. The goal is to stay in the game. Movement is medicine, and consistency beats intensity every time.

Since exercise is my passion, as most of you know, I have to remind you to add in some strength training. At least 80% of your workouts should involve some form of resistance training.

Muscle is the secret to maintaining your metabolism. Lifting weights builds bone mass. And yes, it can support weight loss goals in midlife. So, just do it!

The Magic of Moderation: You Don’t Have to Be Perfect

Here’s where many people get stuck—they think one “off” choice ruins the whole day or week. Not true. Had a green smoothie and a power walk? Enjoy the cookie. You hydrated and hit the gym today? Then enjoy that glass of wine when you are out to dinner. It’s all about balance in real-time.

When you aim for more good choices than not, you’re on the right track. Perfection isn’t the goal—progress is. 

You’re Human, Not a Health Robot

I love this one because, as a trainer, people often assume I never touch sugar or carbs. Spoiler alert: I do! While my habits may tilt more 90/10, I absolutely enjoy indulgences—ice cream, chocolate, wine—without guilt.

The 80/20 rule gives you permission to be human. Enjoy that treat, then get right back to your healthy habits. No guilt, no spiral, just grace.

It’s Easy to Remember, Easy to Do

One reason the 80/20 rule works so well? It’s simple. No apps, no trackers, just a quick self-check: Are most of my choices today healthy? If yes, great. If not, there’s still time to shift.

Post a reminder on your mirror, fridge, or planner—make it an 80/20 day. Easy to remember, easy to live by.

5 Tips for Making 80/20 Rule Work in Your Life

I promise you, if you eat well most of the time and move your body most days, you’ll feel better, have more energy, and age well. This isn’t a gimmick—it’s a way to live that actually works.

No more “on-again, off-again” cycles. Just a healthy lifestyle that supports the vibrant, full life you want to live in midlife and beyond.

Here are a few simple tips to help get you started:

1. Start Small

Don’t overhaul everything at once. Begin by making one or two healthier choices each day—then build from there.

2. Plan Ahead

Meal prep, schedule workouts, and keep healthy snacks on hand. Planning is a part of the 80/20 rule and makes it easier to hit that 80%.

These are a few of my favorite kitchen gadgets for meal prepping, and a list of healthy snack ideas to have on hand!

3. Give Yourself Grace

Life happens. A vacation, holiday, or busy week doesn’t derail you—just get back to your rhythm.

4. Celebrate Consistency, Not Perfection

Focus on the big picture. One indulgence doesn’t define your progress—your habits do.

5. Check In with Yourself

Each evening, ask: Did most of my choices support my health? If yes, high five! If no, reset tomorrow. Wellness is a journey, not a sprint.

How I Approach the 80/20 Rule in My Life

I rarely drink alcohol, but a glass of wine when out with friends- sure! I eat probably 90% whole foods but you may catch me eating an entire bowl of chips with guac at a Mexican restaurant and having a margarita.

I read food labels like it’s my job, but will I enjoy a piece of cake at a fun wedding? Absolutely! I love to celebrate a happy couple! The sooner you realize this, the happier you will be!  

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