
The PHAT Workout: Build Mass & Strength

The PHAT Workout: Build Mass & Strength

The PHAT (Power Hypertrophy Adaptive Training) Training Program

The PHAT workout routine was designed by Layne Norton, PhD; who is a natural bodybuilder and powerlifter. The PHAT program combines both powerlifting and bodybuilding routine into a single training program. Although powerlifters and bodybuilders use different reps and weight schemes to reach their respective goals, Layne Norton’s program focuses has put together a training system balances the demands of both, so you can both sculpt and build strength.

The Goals of the PHAT Workout Routine

Power Hypertrophy Adaptive Training (PHAT) combines both bodybuilding and powerlifting techniques to give you the best of which both have to offer. The goal of PHAT workouts is to gain both mass and strength. Bodybuilders utilize lower weights, higher reps and shorter rest times to help build muscle. Powerlifters use heavier weights, lower reps and longer rest times.

the phat workout routine by layne norton

 ushPower and Mass Workouts

Two workouts during the week will be dedicated to building power. After a rest day, the next three workouts are spent building muscle. The workouts are tough, but you have a mental and physical mix-up that keeps you from over training during each week. Your hypertrophy days and power workouts will support new mass and increased strength, the foundations for progressive overloads.

Check Out the PHUL Workout Routine

Benefits of the PHAT Workout:

  • Increase overall strength
  • Stimulate hypertrophy (muscle building)
  • Improve overall strength and conditioning
  • Foundation for strength and Fitness

How the PHAT Routine Works

The training system takes draws from the “strengths” of both types of training that leads to progressive overload. The PHAT Workout Routine can help powerlifters build more mass and to break plateau. For bodybuilders, the goal is it add strength in order to pack on muscle mass. A great mix up with another workout every 12 weeks or so is the Push Pull Legs (PPL) Split.  It adds one more day, but can still be used as a 5-day as well.

Download the PHAT Workout Routine in Excel

Day 1 Upper Power
Exercise Sets x Reps
Bench Press 3 x 3-5
Weighted Pull Ups 2 x 6-10
Horizontal Row 2 x 6-10
Weighted Dips 2 x 6-10
Pendlay Rows 3 x 3-5
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 x 6-10
Cambered Bar Curls 3 x 6-10
Dumbbell Skull Crushers 3 x 6-10

Day 2 Lower Power
Exercise Sets x Reps
Squats 3 x 3-5
Hack Squats 2 x 6-10
Leg Extensions 2 x 6-10
Stiff Legged Deadlifts 3 x 5-8
Leg Curls 2 x 6-10
Standing Calf Raise 3 x 6-10
Seated Calf Raise 2 x 6-10

Day 4 Back & Shoulders Hypertrophy
Exercise Sets x Reps
Pendlay Rows 6 x 3
Horizontal Row 3 x 8-12
Seated Cable Row 3 x 8-12
Braced Dumbbell Rows 2 x 12-15
Close Grip Pulldowns 2 x 6-10
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 x 8-12
Upright Rows 2 x 12-15
DB Side Lateral Raises 3 x 12-20

Day 5 Legs Hypertrophy
Exercise Sets x Reps
Squats 6 x 3
Leg Press 3 x 12-20
Leg Extensions 3 x 12-15
Romanian Deadlift 3 x 8-12
Lying Leg Curls 2 x 12-15
Seated Leg Curls 2 x 12-15
Donkey Calf Raises 4 x 12-15
Seated Calf Raises 3 x 12-20

Day 6 Chest & Arms Hypertrophy
Exercise Sets x Reps
Dumbbell Press 6 x 3
Incline Dumbbell Press 3 x 8-12
Incline Chest Press 3 x 12-15
Incline Cable Flys 2 x 15-20
Preacher Curls 3 x 8-12
DB Concentration Curls 2 x 12-15
Spider Curls 2 x 15-20
Cambered Bar Tricep Extension 3 x 8-12
Cable Press downs w/ Rope 2 x 12-15

best phat workout routine

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