The lateral lunge, also known as a side lunge, is an effective lower body exercise that strengthens your quads, glutes and hamstrings while also targeting both the inner and outer thighs. By moving in a side-to-side motion rather than the traditional lunge motion of forward and back, you recruit your thigh muscles and also work […]
Modern air bikes are far from the creaky machines your parents at the local Y decades ago. Today’s machines are overbuilt and imposing. With bigger fans, heavier components, and electronic performance monitors, these machines are designed to take, and deliver, a beating. Credit: Jacob Lund / Shutterstock The Assault Bike® is one of a handful […]
It might be a less illustrious member of the citrus family, but the mild-flavoured Mosambi has the power to make you slimmer. Health experts say that mosambi juice for weight loss is the next best fruit after lemon. They recommend adding a glass, or even two, of this yellow nectar to a healthy eating plan to […]
You know every good workout routine requires a healthy combination of cardio, strength training, and when you’re feeling extra, some high-intensity interval training. But if you perform exercises from any of these types of workouts using faulty movement patterns and improper form, injury is going to result. The antidote: mobility. What Is Mobility? “Mobility is the ability of a […]
Every time you pick up something off the floor, whether it’s a paper clip or a fully-loaded barbell, you’re using a hip hinge. Or, rather, you should be using a hip hinge. The unfortunate truth is that both desk jockeys and powerlifters (and everyone in between) struggle with the hip hinge, relying too heavily on the forward […]