Blog Handmade

A Run on Sewing Machines? + Project UPDATES!

Readers, is it possible — could there actually be a run on sewing machines?

A very unscientific hunt on Amazon reveals that many of the popular lower-end models — Janomes, Brothers, Singers — I was accustomed to seeing offered are currently out of stock.  Could that many people sheltering in place be purchasing sewing machines, perhaps to make masks or simply to entertain themselves?  I have heard anecdotally that many people have been dusting off their machines but I don’t think the people I know–most of whom are already avid sewers–are representative of the public at large.  I am curious to know what you think or may have heard/experienced.

In other news, the sewing continues here, albeit somewhat sporadically.  As I mentioned recently, I’ve been doing a fair amount of shopping for vintage patterns and vintage fabric on Etsy and eBay.  Here are some of the latest arrivals (with a few more still in transit):

I think I shared a photo of this vintage Thirties evening ensemble with you already, before I had it in hand.  This has to be one of my most glamorous patterns.

I was very excited about this vintage 1959 Vogue swimsuit pattern: so much so that I made a muslin using an hibiscus-print remnant that closely resembles the fabric pictured in that pattern illustration.  I love when that happens!

This swimsuit has a boned bodice!

Another 1930’s pattern is this 1937 Advance dress pattern that is a copy of Mainbocher’s wedding dress for Wallace Simpson, the Duchess of Windsor.

The Mainbocher original on the left, the Advance copy on the right.
It’s cool to be able to make those kind of connections — a bit of fashion history!
Two more swimsuit/romper patterns, the first from the early 60’s and the second from 1949.  I think I’m ready to stop buying swimsuit patterns.

And here are some fabrics.  The first is a cotton organdy which I think is from the 1930’s: just 36″ wide.  There are four yards which should be plenty.

I thought I would use it to make this vintage early 1930’s mail order pattern from my pattern stash; I even made a partial muslin of it.  I like the style of the dress but I don’t think it’s quite right for the fabric.  I think a smaller print or a solid would work better, don’t you?

And finally, this weekend I received this lovely floral silk crepe de chine, also an eBay purchase.  I don’t think it’s truly vintage but to my eye it has a 1930’s look to it.

In other news, I celebrated a birthday last week and Michael baked me a lemon meringue pie.  It was delicious!

And that’s about it.  We’ve all been hanging in there.  With Michael able to do his voice teaching online and me continuing to work from home just as I normally do, our lives don’t feel radically altered.  Still, it would be lovely to have things return to the way they were.  Will that happen any time soon?  I’m not sure.

In any case, be well, everybody, and happy sewing!

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