
10 + years of Frusher on Food

It’s actually 11 but I missed the milestone last year. 27th March 2013 I published my first piece at the tender age of 24. I daren’t look at it, at that age both my knowledge and writing were certainly questionable! Yes, they probably still are.

Since those days I have published over 250 reviews and hopefully achieved my goal of promoting small independent eateries. As I look down the list it’s a shame to see so many of the places I enjoyed that are no longer trading but that’s a reality, both of the industry and ageing. Some thing don’t change though, apparently the Larwood and Voce still have my 2014 review displayed…in the gents toilets.

The thought to mark these milestones coincided with a conversation with a friend who was asking about the logistics and whether I make any money. I don’t make anything from this website, have never accepted a free meal and never run ads. I pay for my WordPress subscription and private hosting myself. So with their encourage and no expectation anyone will actually do it I set up a page to support my site: If you have enjoyed my content over the years and want to see more you can make a small donation

As you may have noticed I have starting posting regular content again and do hope to continue that as well as updating some historic areas of my site so watch this space. If you have any ideas of new things you would like to see or restaurants to visit then please let me know!

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