So you want to lose fat and gain muscle? Almost everyone does, and burning off fat and putting on muscle size doesn’t need to be an overly complicated procedure. All it really comes down to is your diet and how you exercise. They need to be in conjunction with each other, and on-point, in order to get
What are horizontal push exercises and what muscles do they train? Here are the 15 best examples!
Today is the Halloween Partner Costume WOD! Prizes for the best costumes! This is at our Mission Bay location (701 Mission Bay Blvd N). No classes/open gym at our indoor location. Come WOD, hang, drink, eat and cheer on! Costumes EXTREMELY ENCOURAGED. WOD 1: “Red…
In this post, you’re going to learn an efficient calisthenics warm-up routine that you can use every day. Specifically, you’ll learn: What a good calisthenics warm-up should include, The best warm-up exercises for each major joint, and When you should use dynamic vs static stretching. Let’s get started. Disclaimer: Although we are doctors and personal […]