
6 Shocking Ways Sitting Too Much Can Hurt Your Health

Did you know Americans sit an average of 9.5 hours a day? Whether it’s in your office at home, you may be sitting a lot more than you think.

Unfortunately, all this sitting hurts our health—and the research behind it is pretty shocking.

We’ve rounded up 6 science-backed statistics about sitting that’ll motivate you get moving, plus some tips for being more active.

1. Prolonged Sitting Can Increase Your Risk of Cancer

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Eye-opening research published by JAMA Oncology found that a greater amount of sedentary time was associated with a higher risk of dying from cancer.

The same study found that replacing 30 minutes of sedentary time with moderate to vigorous-intensity physical activity could reduce this risk by 31 percent!

2. Office Jobs Cause Way Too Much Sitting

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The normal office worker sits around 15 hours per day!

And there’s more: Sedentary jobs have increased 83% since 1950, according to the American Heart Association, and physically active jobs now make up less than 20% of the U.S. workforce, according to Johns Hopkins.

3. There’s a Link Between Prolonged Sitting and Dementia

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UCLA research suggests there is a link between prolonged sitting and reduced thickness of a brain region that helps form new memories.

This is significant because the thinning of that brain area can potentially lead to cognitive decline and dementia in middle-aged and older adults.

4. Sitting Too Much Comes with the Same Risks as Smoking

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Experts have revealed that people who sit more than eight hours a day with no physical activity have a risk of dying similar to that posed by obesity and smoking.

So, even if you’re in great shape and have never touched a cigarette, sitting most of the day is just as dangerous to your health.

5. Sitting Too Much Can Increase Your Diabetes Risk

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Prolonged sitting significantly increases your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, according to a study published in the journal Diabetologia.

Along these lines, the American Diabetes Association points to a study that found performing three minutes of movement every half hour improved blood glucose levels in adults with type 2 diabetes.

6. Just 10 Minutes of Daily Physical Activity Could Prevent Thousands of Deaths

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Research published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that if adults between the ages of 40 and 85 did just 10 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day, we could prevent more than 110,000 deaths each year.

Examples of moderate to vigorous physical activity include walking at a brisk pace, jogging, riding a bike, playing tennis, or doing heavy cleaning around the house.

How to Reduce Your Sitting Time

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Only 28 percent of Americans are meeting the CDC-recommended amount of weekly exercise, which is 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week.

The reason this is a big deal? Regular weekly exercise comes with an array of benefits, including better sleep, improved brain health, reduced anxiety, stronger bones, and lower blood pressure.

Aside from exercise, here are some ways to incorporate more movement into your day:

Try a standing desk at work or in your home office.

Set an alarm to take a 5 to 10-minute walking break every 30 minutes.

Bring your morning coffee outside for a walk around the block.

Make time to play with the kids or your dog. (A fun and easy way to move more!)

Take a brief walk after eating dinner. (It’ll also help with digestion.)

Use the stairs instead of an elevator whenever possible.

Get up and move during commercial breaks if you’re watching TV.

Throw on your favorite song and dance.

Take your dog for a walk.

Pace around while you’re on a phone call.

Drink more water. Not only is it good for your health, but you’ll have to get up for bathroom breaks more often.

Use a fitness tracker to monitor how many steps you’re taking each day, and aim for 10,000. (Fewer than 5,000 steps per day is a sign you’re too sedentary.)

Remember, 5 minutes here and 10 minutes there really adds up! Even small breaks can make a significant difference and decrease your risk for serious health issues.

Power Walking For Beginners

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With countless studies proving the health benefits of power walking, learning how to do it will keep you moving well into the future.

Power walking is one of the most maintainable workouts a person can add to their life, so if you haven’t tried it yet, how about starting now?

Power Walking For Beginners

How To Start Working Out Again (& Stick With It!)

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Whatever the reason – lack of time, injuries, pregnancy, or just don’t enjoy exercise – most of us experience a lull in exercise at one point or another. Regardless, getting back to the gym after time away can be tough!

When you are ready to get back at it and stick to it for good, here are 9 tips to show you how to start working out again and stay with it.

How To Start Working Out Again (& Stick With It!)

9 Tips For Joint Health | Keep Your Joints Healthy As You Age

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Keeping your joints healthy is key to staying mobile and experiencing less pain as you age.  Although you may not be able to prevent all joint injuries or arthritis, there are many things you can start doing today to improve your joint health!

9 Tips For Joint Health | Keep Your Joints Healthy As You Age

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